A box for your stash

This blog is a place for flash fiction, short pieces of creative writing, and other pertinent bits about condoms. It's a work in progress, so bear with me while I prettify it up.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


‘Like having a bath with your wellies on,’ Dave said, with the corners of his mouth curling up like day old ham. ‘It’s bareback or nothing, for me,’ he said, shrugging.
So later, when I rode him on the persian carpet, I didn’t use the saddle or the stirrups. I straddled his naked back with my naked legs and dug my heels in. I wriggled until he cried. Kept him on his knees, bore down until he begged.
‘Only with a rubber,’ I said.
‘Course,’ he said, when I held out my palm, two packets lying on it like sugarlumps. 
Nikki Magennis

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