A box for your stash

This blog is a place for flash fiction, short pieces of creative writing, and other pertinent bits about condoms. It's a work in progress, so bear with me while I prettify it up.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Excerpt from 'The Art of Fucking', Nikki Magennis

Stop, stop, wait.' I said, remembering one of Sandy's rules. 'We should use a condom.'
He nodded, beyond speaking now, only leaping up nimbly to find his jeans and check the pockets. He sprinted back to where I lay with a foil square in his hand.
'You brought one to work?' I couldn't quite believe it. Was I the only person in Glasgow who didn't anticipate a casual fuck at lunchtime? My model grinned, biting at the foil to rip it open. He had a wicked smile.
'Boy scout motto. "Always be prepared". You never know who you'll bump into.'
I wasn't in any position to argue, and I just marvelled at the sight of him, cock in hand, unrolling the rubber down his length and checking to see it was on tight. I lay back. 
Nikki Magennis

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